Wednesday, January 12, 2011


LES Architecture
Lower East Side
Practice for my new Improv team started this week. We met in a studio space at a guitar school in Chelsea.  Our coach (who I think is going to be g-r-e-a-t) brought us banana-chocolate chip muffins.  Things are off to a good start.

There are eight on the team: five of us were in class together last year (a happy reunion for the Dream Team) and three are new to me (but they also seem g-r-e-a-t). 

For our first session - rather than jumping right into scenework - our coach had us spend some time on get-to-know-you type exercises.  For the final one, she took out her iPod, plugged in some speakers, and announced that we would be doing a dance diamond.

Which means: we stood in a diamond-shaped formation, and while incredibly dramatic/emo music played, we danced.  Whoever stood at the top of the diamond led the choreography, until we shifted direction and then followed a new leader.  Synchronized, spontaneous movement.

Eight adults.  All dancing dramatically.  To emo music.  In a guitar studio in Chelsea.

Have I mentioned how much I love Improv?

*Is a real word.

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