Thursday, December 23, 2010

Errands, Chocolate, and Good Old-Fashioned Procrastination
December Photo Project Day #23

City Bakery Dark Hot Chocolate

I left work today and made a trip to Greenpoint, Brooklyn to purchase some kielbasa for a Polish Meat Peace Offering, of sorts.  It's a long story.

After that mission was accomplished, I had more Christmas shopping to do.  How exhausting is Christmas shopping?  Very.  You know what I'm talking about. 

A couple hours in and I could take no more.  I was near City Bakery, so I popped in for some of their famous hot chocolate and marshmallows. Found a seat near a Christmas tree and finished my book (Gadzooks, Great Gatsby!  Liked it so much better than I had in high school.)

After break-time was over, I braved the cold and crowds again and finished my errands.  (Dear fellow shoppers - if you're wondering what that meat smell was tonight, it was me.  It was me and my bag of kielbasa.  Apologies.)  I returned home, ate dinner, exchanged gifts with my roomie, and that brings us to this moment.

I'm leaving town tomorrow, so do you want to take a guess as to what I'm doing right now?  

Yup, I'm not packing.

But I'm fixing' to start, any minute now.  Any minute now, and I'll put something in my suitcase.  Any. Minute. Now.

Wish me luck.  It could be a long night.

Past details of my unfortunate sickness:

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