Thursday, July 05, 2012

No Work Wednesday 

This Fourth of July, I celebrated my freedom from the beige cubicle ( well as larger, more lasting freedoms, of course...)

I also celebrated the life & times of Mr. Andy Griffith (can you believe I'd never seen one single episode of his eponymous show before yesterday?  It's streaming on Netflix, and it is delightful.)

I also celebrated root beer floats.  And iced coffees.  And friendship.  Whole lotta celebrating going on.

Late morning ramble through Central Park's North Woods

Wildlife in the water (Harlem Meer)

More wildlife in the water (Lasker Pool)

Traditional holiday afternoon meet-up with Tiff @ VBar
Erring on the side of productivity (far from promiscuity)
we talked about the book we're writing
(PS - we're writing a book)
and found potential source material on VBar's bookshelf

Talking 'bout boys, squirrels, and sketch re-writes
over hamburgers and root beer floats
@ Shake Shack with Improv teammates

Walking home with a friend...

...catching unexpected glimpses of the Hudson River fireworks


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day!! I stayed home with the pugs all day sewing. So lame! And also maybe drank a bottle of champagne while watching "The Dark Knight". You know, the usual 4th of July stuff.

KristyWes said...

Your day sounds *amazing.* GW would totes approve!

KristyWes said...

(GW = either George Washington or my mom. Take your pick.)

stephen said...

i finally had the opportunity to eat at the Shake Shack (theatre district loc) last month. I was delighted with my burger and my "Jelly's Last Donut" concrete. I've been by Madison Square Park a couple of times, but that line always made me run across the street to Eataly.

Also picked up a few Nutter Butters from Bouchon Bakery.

Your city is delicious!

KristyWes said...


Yup - we waited in the Shack line for at least 45 minutes. Definitely not 'fast' food.

And wait - Bouchon makes Nutter Butters?? Uh-oh. That is dangerous knowledge to possess. I bet they're amazing!

stephen said...

You will never look at those Nabisco cookies the same way again! I am serious. Super-amazing.

But only if you like peanut butter..

Rosanne said...

Man you have a SWEET life and I LOVE to read about it....makes me feel younger and cooler!
Excellent photos too as always :)