Friday, June 04, 2010

Just For Laughs

My Improv teacher has a whole theory on laughter. Why we laugh, how we laugh, when we laugh, etc.  It's interesting, and I think I agree with most of it - except his hypothesis that we don't laugh out loud when we're alone. 

Because I definitely laugh out loud when I'm alone.  Not at nothing (I'm not crazy!) but if I'm home alone watching a TV show or a funny movie, I will often laugh out loud.

Especially when watching 30 Rock.  And especially when watching this particular episode of 30 Rock, where Tracy Jordan laments his childhood spent on the wrong side of the tracks:

Weeks later, I'm still laughing (out loud) at a pack of wild dogs taking over and successfully running a Wendy's.

And Zachary Taylor generally considered to be one of the worst presidents of all time? Could this be the balm that heals an old family rift?  Only time will tell.

Dear Tina Fey & 30 Rock:

See you in September.


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