Friday, April 18, 2008

If I Had a River...

My friend, Bananas, was in town this week to attend a career workshop type-thing. She had to do a lot of exercises related to interests/strengths/goals/aspirations. You know the type - "If money were no object, what would you do with yourself?" That kind of thing.

One interesting question Bananas had to answer, and one she asked me as we walked home via Madison Avenue, was, "If you had $10 million that you had to spend on yourself, what would you do with it?" No giving it to charity, no paying off your parents' mortgage, no buying Vespas for deserving Italian nuns - you have to spend this (imaginary) money on yourself. What would you do?

We were waiting to cross 57th street when she posed this question - Tiffany's was one block away (oh, those coveted blue boxes!), stores filled with beautiful things by nearly every famous designer were within walking distance. But the very first thought in my head, the instantaneous idea, the no-question-about-it- this-is-what-I-would-buy image was not jewelry or pretty things, not a Rogue nor a condo, but: An ice skating rink.

Of course, of course, I would build myself an ice-skating rink, and be as happy-ever-after as this bloomer-ed Alpine chick. Skating makes me so very happy.

What I haven't seriously dissected before, though, is why it brings me such joy. What is it about this activity that makes me so readily willing to drop a cool (imaginary) $10 mil on it?

As I'm searching for career guidance, for vocational discernment, for a sense of purpose and that all-too-elusive "life plan," what can I learn about my love for skating that might point me in the direction of a fulfilling professional contribution*? What are the underlying elements that bring me joy, and what are the transferable skills I can take away from skating? That is, what can I learn about myself through this hobby that might also shed light on what type of job I would enjoy?

Well, I'll have to think about that and get back to you. I also plan to include some blog-posts detailing the arc of my figure skating obsession, from the early days until now, though that will be mostly for (my) entertainment value. Not too sure I'll be able to glean any vocational wisdom out of the sordid tale, but you never can tell.

Happy Weekend! Hope everyone has some activity planned that makes them happy, in an ice-skating sort of way.

(*PS - thanks to Bananas' workshop for supplying me with "professional contribution" as a wonderful alternative to the stifling word/concept "career" )

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