Sunday, July 24, 2011

Same Changes

Flower Pic to Painting
A flower grows in the Village

I'd offer up the following as "Sunday Morning Music," but I don't want to limit The Weepies to just one day of the week.

I re-discovered them recently and CANNOT stop listening.  (Don't you love re-discovering music?  It's like a reunion with friends...old made new...all that jazz.)

The song below ("Same Changes") has got me good.  "Sick to the Bone" and "Shelter Hotel" (technically, Steve Tannen songs) have me singing along.  And "I Was Made for Sunny Days" talked me out of a bad mood on Friday.

It's good for what ails you. Please to enjoy:

In the magic hour
Lantern petals glow
I walk away
I walk away
But you linger

Light as any flower
You don't even know
You pick me up
You pick me up
With two fingers

And everyone says:
"This love will change you"
Well I ask, does anything ever stay the same?
No, no, no
Just same changes

* * *

Careful and with patience
Hold this tender heart
Leave a well of tiny threads with two fingers
Standing in the garden
Gathering the dusk
We hold the sun and golden one and we linger

And everyone says:
"This love will change you"
Well I ask, isn't that what love's supposed to do?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
It's same changes

-The Weepies, "Same Changes"

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