Sunday, December 05, 2010

Your Boughs Can Teach A Lesson
December Photo Project Day #5

Christmas Tree Stand on Broadway
Tree Stand at Broadway & 73rd Street

When I got back from Thanksgiving, tree stands were set up on street corners all over town.  Decorations and twinkle lights had been hung weeks earlier, but it's the arrival of the tree stands that always signals the real Christmas season kick-off for me.

My roommate and I bought a tree for our apartment this evening. He's a cute little tree, smaller in size than the ones pictured above, but bigger than Charlie Brown's scrawny sapling.  Definitely bigger than that.

As we lugged our just-right fir home, we christened him "Terry the Tree," a name my roommate likes because it's alliterative, and I like because it reminds me of my favorite character from Reno911! (the obsession, unfortunately, continues).

The process of carting a Christmas tree home through city streets also reminds me of images I saw in movies and on TV, long before I became a New Yorker myself.  Like at the beginning of Christmas Eve on Sesame Street (a classic I watch every December - see clip below).  Or when Harry and Sally, trying to prove that men and women can be friends, schlep a tree together up W. 96th Street (pic below).

This holiday activity, as seen on screen, always seemed so urban and fun.  And - as it turns out - it is pretty urban and fun.

I guess every once in a true-blue-miracle while, real life is just like the movies.

When Harry Met Sally Teamwork at Christmas

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