Friday, October 08, 2010

Doggies from Deutschland

Sun Glasses Dachshund
So, this happened.

If you were in Washington Square Park last Saturday, at around noon, perhaps you saw a large group of people congregating on the north side of the fountain.

And perhaps you noticed the dozens and dozens and dozens of Dachshunds running underfoot.

And maybe you saw that man wearing an “I Love My Weiner” tee-shirt. (Classy.)

And maybe you heard the sound of a street organ accompanying the crowd in a rousing rendition of the Dachshund Song:
“Dachsie, meine dachsie,
The best canine under the sun,
Called "wiener" or "sausage" or "hotdog",
We know that you're number one.”                         (Lyrics Source)
If you’re wondering what you witnessed, it was Dachtober Fest 2010. And it was pretty fun.

(I realized I haven’t yet posted pics from the Dachshund Spring Fiesta back in April. Some day, m'loves, some day…)

(If your itch for more Dachshund pics can't wait to be scratched, look here!)

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