Monday, March 10, 2008

You Know You Wanna Know

Oh, I was sad when I woke up this morning. Monday. Yeah, I remember what I said before about not living for the weekends and trying to find joy in present moments during the weekdays. But I may not have the strength of character for that level of positivity this morning. Allow me to recap my weekend for you. Humor me - I’m dwelling in the past to avoid fully facing Monday.

My one goal for Saturday: do copious amounts of school work! To ensure an early start and remove any temptation for sleeping in, I made an 8a.m. appointment at the (24/7/365) Apple store. My iPod has been talking back to me lately with dirty crackly static; something needed to be done. At 7:50a.m. I was up, out, and strolling from the subway through the streets of midtown, quiet and near-empty at that time on a Saturday. As I neared the Apple store I passed the studio where CBS’ Early Show was taping; Chris Wagge (looking quite camera-ready) was standing in the window reviewing some notes. I gave a longing look to the SE corner of Central Park across the street, shrouded in mist – no time for a park-walk today – and descended beneath the street into the happy world of Apple technology. 30 minutes and 1 brand new iPod later (God bless warranties!) I emerged.

By 9am I was sitting happy, coffee in hand, at a window seat in CafĂ© Pick Me Up. I beat the rain there, and spent three hours dry, cozy, and immersed in OT theology. Good times. By noon my little brain just couldn’t take any more, though, so I swam home through the monsoon and took a break for lunch. The rest of the day was spent with my books. Dreary. But productive.

Sunday started well with church. I showed up on time for the opening music (oops, that doesn’t happen all the time) and during a song entitled “Great I AM,” CJL passed me a note with I AM written in Hebrew. Good stuff – I focused better on that God of ours, holding his name, written, in my hand. Then a guest preacher told it like it is with words that made us laugh while making me think a little more seriously about outreach than I normally do. Thanks, Reverend Doctor, for the kick towards boldness.

I spent a sunny afternoon with BethL & friends – coffee, good conversation, and a cute baby. Sweet. Afterwards BL and I had a wander through the Village and passed Chris March, a newly-discovered coffee shop, and an extraordinarily large Great Dane, though not necessarily in that order. I whiled away some evening hours with my dear Scrabble Friend – she made me Tension Tamer tea (you know I need that), told me stories of her amazing life and let me beat her at our game of Scrabble (even after I withheld a mega-point-garnering play of the word “whore” ‘cause I just wasn’t sure that was appropriate).

So Sunday was a good Sabbath play-day, following Saturday’s academic fight. And thus we turn to Monday. Current circumstances being what they are, I’m reluctant but ready (I guess) to deal with my attitude towards them. Luckily I have some help… “You restore my soul.” Here goes…

1 comment:

SRH said...

that sounds like an amazing weekend. My boy thinks that chris march was robbed btw :). In case you see him again ;).