Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Here's to Tuesday

I woke up this morning all snuggly & smiley 'cause it was Saturday and I didn't have to get out of bed immediately. I re-cozied myself under the weight of my plaid flannel blanket, pretty-pretty plush comforter, and the t-shirt quilt my mom made for me with pains-taking laborious love, trying to find my way back to that interrupted dream that had seemed semi-interesting and worth seeing through. And that's when I thought,"Oh, wait...it's Tuesday!" Awwwwwwwww. Shucks.

So off with the covers and out into the cold, harsh reality of Tuesday went I. But so far it's been rather pleasant, really. The 6-train cooperated and got me to work on time. I caught up on some correspondence during a quiet morning. I've been watching snow swirl outside my office window for hours. (When temperatures dropped a few days ago, my heart leapt. Finally - a winter I can get behind. I'm rejoicing through shivers.)

Now the work day is winding down. My co-worker just gave me a cookie, pretty much making my afternoon. Mundane tasks didn't seem *so* annoying today; I took frequent mini-breaks to hit "Refresh" on my Hotmail account, waiting expectantly (though not anxiously) for a certain email. In a little while I'll head across the city to a cozy classroom, to learn a little Hebrew with pleasant people. All good, non-earth-shattering-but-still-positive little things that add up to today being Just Fine. Even if it isn't Saturday.

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