Sunday, June 03, 2012

Then All This Happened


My voice teacher got a singing gig in North Carolina, which meant no voice lessons for the month of May.  (cue sad face and music)  But now she's back!  I headed out to Astoria on Friday afternoon for a lesson.  So glad to be singing again!

While there, took a picture of this police vehicle, apropos of nothing.


Had an Improv show Saturday evening.  I'm going to be in a weekly show in June(!), and the show's poster is now hanging on the wall of the theater's lobby.  Which means my name is now (temporarily) up on the wall!  Dorky thrill.


After my show, before seeing another show, I met up with JJ at a piano bar in the West Village.  Fun times.  Plus, someone brought their parents and they were adorable - dancing and singing along to Master of the House.


Before the TJ & Dave show Saturday night, I found myself standing next to Dave Pasquesi in the lobby.  This stealth photo opp ensued.

Later, once seated, it was observed that David Cross was also in attendance.  But any excitement over seeing Tobias Funke in the audience was soon overshadowed by the show itself.  

TJ & Dave: inspiring, hilarious, brilliant.

Christopher Street

Late-night subway ride home.


Looking up at church, Sunday morning.

Sunday evening?  Stay tuned.


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