Orange facade and flier box, spotted on my early morning walk to Silver Moon Bakery, where I snagged a dozen dinner rolls for later.
The median section of Park Ave is lousy with yellow tulips right about now. Go check them out! Stunning. I spotted these red and yellow guys up high in a window box, while walking to church Sunday morning.
Church was colorful in it's own (un-photograph-able) right. Pastor must've yelled "He is risen!" and we must've yelled back "He is risen indeed!" on at least 6 separate occasions. And the Easter hymns, and the peace-passing, and the stories shared, and...all of it. All of it.
On my walk home through Central Park, I spotted the beginnings of green on the trees along the Mall.
(I flippin' love these elm trees. Look at those lines! Every time I see them - whatever the season - my heart swells and I thank Olmstead for the vision and God for the growing.)
Assorted pastel plastic eggs on the Imagine Circle.
Yellow butter and green parsley - my "artistic" contribution to Sonz and Mr. Sonz's Semi-Annual Easter Ham Feast. (Thanks guys for hosting! You throw the best bashes.)
Pink hyacinths on the pot-luck table. (Not pictured: ham, mashed potatoes, baked beans, broccoli salad, green bean casserole, red jello, assorted rolls, deviled eggs, *two* (2) kinds of pie, lemonade, Dr. Pepper, and beers. We ate well.)
Black is the color of Doug the Pug. (That longing you see in his eyes is for understanding, for peace & quiet, for everyone to sit back down and never go anywhere ever again, and perhaps longing for a baby carrot (Doug's drug of choice.))
(*Note: not mutually exclusive)
Wugs! Lookin' good!
I captured him from a very slimming angle. Such a special guy, that puggy!
That's what Blake thought! He looks downright thin!
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