Wednesday, July 06, 2011

And So Fourth

Grace Eats Watermelon w border

I began my Fourth of July by baby-sitting this cutie-patootie, while we waited for her little sister to hurry up and get here.

(Welcome to the world, Janey! Being born on the Fourth, I expect that Baby, You'll be a Firework!) (That's a Katy Perry reference.) (I'll explain when you're older.)

After we finished our watermelon, I suggested that we might have a Peter, Paul & Mary dance party, and Gracie said (and I quote), "Sure." She is a toddler after my own heart.  We marched around the coffee table, clapping along to "Have You Been To Jail For Justice?" and "This Land is Your Land."

Then Grace got a little bored of dancing, so we invented a hilarious game called "Oops, I Fell Down."  Then we read two books, did one puzzle, went to the park, played with bubbles, ate pizza, had a couple more rounds of "Oops, I Fell Down," read one more book, and then - I was exhausted.

Nap time came in the nick of time.

Empire State on the Fourth

My Fourth of July ended with a picnic & a movie in the park with friends.  We didn't see fireworks, but we did get to gaze up at foxy Peter Fonda and the red-white-and-blue Empire State Building all evening.

The Fourth is not typically my favorite holiday (heat, crowds, and excessive patriotism don't really run my motor), but this Fourth was really quite alright.


Sonja said...

Baby G! She is ridiculous and out of control with her cuteness and whatnot-- I really can't take it!!

KristyWes said...

I know - just when you think she can't get any cuter - she goes and does!