Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Me, Myself, and I

The Met, external sculptures
Faces Outside The Met

This little introvert was beginning to sense an impending melt-down.

Not enough 'alone time' will do that.  So I vowed to carve out chunks of time this past weekend, time just for me.  Just for me to hang out with me.

It was long overdue, and it was fan-flippin'-tastic.  Alone time lets me process, and decompress, and re-charge, and re-center, and all that good mumbo jumbo.  Here's how I accomplished that this past Saturday:

Firstly, I hung out with me in a neighborhood coffee shop, catching up on some writing and emailing and such.  Then we put in a brief appearance at the gym.

Afterwards, I dressed up for me and we went to get iced cardamom coffee and we walked across the park. The sky was so blue, and the leaves and grass still summer green, but the temperature was perfectly temperate.  Autumn is at hand!

Greek/Roman Sculptures, The Met
Faces Inside The Met

On the East side of the park, me and myself sat on a bench and caught up on our New Yorker subscription, while a street musician played the saxophone nearby.

Then we went to The Met, wandering past the Temple of Dendur, checking out some pointillist drawings, loving a street photography exhibit, ending up in the Greek and Roman galleries, which were nearly empty at that time of the evening.  Me and I sat looking at sculptures, and thought of old, old, ancient things. And also about how the busts (above) look a little like that doctor from Grey's Anatomy.  Just sayin'.

After we were done getting cultured, me and I went back west. To home, and dinner, and a movie, and a glass of red wine.  A good day.  A good, good day.

I like hanging out with me.  I'm a lot of fun.    :)

One Content Introvert, signing off,

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