Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The One with the Fake Wall

Well, my attitude towards my job has been less than stellar this week. I'm afraid the novelty of Pimp Dog might be wearing off a little, so I tried to cheer myself up by reading through quotes from Blades of Glory. That helped some. As did this video made by a bunch of pranksters:

That office may just be my ideal place to work. They pull pranks, everyone says "WTF" (my favorite workplace slang), the CEO walks around in gym clothes - sign me up! A seemingly vast improvement over my current environment, where I've never experienced any pranks and can't recall anyone saying "WTF" even once, even in jest.

Also gym clothes are contraband here, according to the latest "Business Casual" dress policy that was circulated this week. I am convinced the policy was written by a middle-aged woman in Tulsa. (No offense to you middle-aged Tulsonians, but c'mon - you know how you can be!) Here at The Firm, the policy dictates, culottes are acceptable but capri pants are not. Also, socks or stockings must be worn at all times. Even in the summer?! Yes, even in the summer, Mrs. Tulsa decrees, because she clearly does not understand the smothering heat factor of a summer commute on the NYC transit system. Culottes paired with pantyhose may serve her well as she drives to work in her air-conditioned Dodge Caravan, but they would be the death of me during my morning commute. (Cause of death: ridicule & heat stroke.)

It crossed my mind that it might be hilarious to show up to work one day wearing culottes and knee-high argyle socks. With "dress sandals" - another policy stipulation. Kind of a "Look at what your rules have reduced me to!" statement. But then I realized that my fashion-conscious performance manager would be deeply offended by my outfit, and the policy expressly states that we should avoid making others feel uncomfortable by our clothing choices. Thus another attempt at hilarity bites the dust.

Gotta go - someone has just requested that I come help them organize and sort all the emails in their Outlook inbox. Do I sense a prankster in our midst!? Sadly, unfortunately, I think she is being all too serious.

Until the next time...

1 comment:

That City Girl said...

OH how i feel your pain!!! (well not the mandatory stockings bit, which i feel is totally grounds for quitting) but the organizing of the outlook box..?!?! i could SO see that happening at the Day Job!! Lord help us...