Saturday, March 15, 2008


We interrupt our own study session to bring you these important public service announcements:

#1) Today is March 15th, aka the Ides of March, aka the day when Julius Caesar "bit it" (as they said in Roman times). Beware, beware, all ye Caesar-loving Shakespeare-reading superstitious types! Auspicious, indeed.

#2) Making your bed is a Good Thing. No really, yo' momma wasn't lying to you all those years. I myself have fought this basic house-keeping tenet for most of my life - why bother making it if I was only going to un-make it later? It was a noble protest in the name of efficiency (and certainly had nothing to do with laziness, nope). But today I was compelled to straighten out the twisted chaos of sheets & covers (could this be a metaphor for my current internal state? hmmm...), realign the pillows and set aright my bed in proper order. And I feel much better about life, myself, my weekend, the current state of world affairs in general, etc. Miraculous! You should try it. Probably you already do, because you are a civilized human being. But if you're a member of the efficiency camp like I was - seriously. Seriously. Cross over to the other side with me. You'll never look back.

1 comment:

SRH said...

When my mom was in nursing school way, way back when they used to say the first step to making someone in the hospital feel better was to make their bed. That little act would make the whole room look neater and more relaxing starting them on the road to recovery. At least that's the excuse for hospital corners.