Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Koolickle

A recent article in the New York Times reports on an alarming new trend in snacks: Kool-Aid soaked pickles. The origin of this food (though I use that term loosely) seems to be the Mississippi Delta region, though apparently the popularity of, and demand for, these pickles is spreading.

I'm not sure I can even begin to imagine what these pickles taste like - a combo of sickly sweet (owing to the drink mix and a pound of sugar) and sour (vinegar brine). Though I do know exactly what they must smell like, because I myself spent many an afternoon in my youth with my head submerged in a bucket of Great Bluedini Kool-Aid & vinegar solution. (What, didn't you know that's the best way to dye your hair blue for an upcoming swim meet? Where's your team spirit, people!?)

A child, quoted in the NYTimes article, makes an intriguing comparison: in describing his affinity for this snack (dubbed by some "the Koolickle"), he states, "I like it the same as dipping hot Cheetos in ice cream." Now I'm wondering - how does one heat up a Cheeto?


SRH said...

I know someone who made these (you know her too actually)after she read the article. I think we might have a great unveiling around Memorial Day in case you're interested and in Boston.

Christie Mims said...


heeheeeeee!! You have to read, so funny!

Also, kool-aid pickles scare the bejebus out of me. I might need to be saved!

Girl said...

Yeah...uh...we had this at the Memorial Day party and they are the definition of nasty.