Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday, Monday (Can't Trust That Day)

It's not yet noon, and I fear I have once again reached the end of the internet(s). How will I entertain myself for the rest of the day? Your assignment: send me your questions for research, and I will gladly tackle them and report back to you. As Juan and Chantal can attest, I will endeavor to provide concise and pertinent info to enlighten you on any subject of your choosing, be it the Chupacabra or the Gregorian calendar. I will even use Excel spreadsheets to present my findings, where applicable.

In other news, from my cubicle I can peer through my boss' office window and glimpse the outside world. My view includes: a) the side of an office building (where I used to work, ironically) and b) one (1) tree. This morning I noticed that my (1) tree had gone green by sprouting leaves over the weekend. Spring is so surprisingly instantaneous!

The recent bout of nice weather made for some good people-watchin' this weekend. From my table at Cafe Pick-Me-Up (quickly becoming a favorite coffee place) I surveyed the varied mix of people streaming in and out of Tompkins Square Park. Behind me, a producer of a music video was hiring a costume designer. To my right, an elderly French woman with bright red hair finished typing something on her Mac and gave up her seat, so a college-aged girl could eat her breakfast at 4pm in the afternoon. I love the East Village.

Isn't this article on honeybees terribly fascinating and disconcerting? Who knew their extensive role in agriculture? And where are they all going - Honeybee Rapture?

I also enjoyed this article on saints, speaking to debate on whether or not Pope John Paul II should be canonized. By detailing the flawed lives of saints through the ages, the author reminds those who would oppose PJPII's elevation to sainthood that "perfection is not a requirement for holiness." Praise God! I'd be lost if it were.

And now, back to Monday...

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