Saturday, January 27, 2007

Today's Accomplishment...

I applied to graduate school!

I hit a final "save" and "print" on my application materials last night, and marched them down to the post office this morning to mail off to School #1. I was grinning a goofy grin as I sealed the envelope and handed it over. The postal worker did not seem to grasp the weightiness of the moment; to her, it was just another Global Priority envelope to process. "Would you like to purchase any stamps today?" she asked. No, no stamps for me. (A handshake and/or pat on the back would be nice, but not if I have to ask for it.)

Many thanks to my editorial staff for reading over my Personal Statement before I submitted it; hopefully I can just recycle that bad boy for all the other schools' applications. But in the words of Scarlett O'Hara, "I'll think about that tomorrow." Other schools and their application processes can wait - tonight I just want to revel in the relief of crossing School #1 off my list.


Girl said...

YAY!!! CONGRATS!!! I am so glad that the thought of working for 'the firm' has pressured you into action ;)

In all seriousness, I am really excited for you to have made that 1st step.

Here's a pat on the back from me, kid...oh and TF has a lick in the chin for yah' too.

not really

Jenn said...

stamp this! whoohoo! proud o' you. you go, girl and know you're in my prayers. keep us updated!